FGV Annual Integrated Report 2022

Value Creation Is The Bedrock Of Our Business 88 FGV HOLDINGS BERHAD Sustainability Review PILLAR 2: RESPECTING HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENTS In 2022, we implemented the following initiatives to keep our employees engaged and obtain feedback to gain a better understanding of the needs of our workforce: GOING FORWARD Going forward, we will continue to engage closely with our employees and maintain an inclusive and diverse workforce. We will continue to maintain open communication channels and promote a holistic approach that enhances recognition, talent development, work-life balance, inclusion, diversity, health, wellness and empowerment. The PRIDE campaign was introduced in 2020 to promote PRIDE values across the workforce and integrate the values into their day-to-day work. In 2022, the campaign was further intensified by introducing a physical platform called PRIDE Corner in all workplaces across the Group. Promotional materials were uploaded to FGV Hub, an internal online platform, and emailed to respective employees on a monthly basis. Monitoring of the PRIDE Corner implementation is conducted every three months. PRIDE INITIATIVES FGV initiated a Workplace Communications (WPC) Framework in 2020 to enhance employee engagement, communication and well-being. The Employee Roundtable Sessions are an ongoing initiative and continued to be the main engagement platform in 2022. Through this platform, employees express their thoughts and opinions on issues that could be improved in open discussions. Each workplace is required to conduct at least four roundtable sessions per year, and the sessions are chaired by the CEOs or Heads of the Divisions or Heads of the Workplace. Issues raised during the sessions must be resolved within 60 days. Unresolved problems will be referred to Top Management for resolution. EMPLOYEE ROUNDTABLES The Pre-Retirement Planning Programme helps FGV employees transition smoothly to retirement. It covers financial literacy in areas such as retirement savings, balancing expenses, mortgages and debts to ensure financial sustainability. The programme also provides healthcare and wellness information to prepare employees for retirement in all aspects. Employees can share ideas and exchange information about retirement plans through the programme. In 2022, we conducted 16 sessions, which were participated by 661 employees. PRE-RETIREMENT PLANNING PROGRAMME Our Employee Engagement Survey (EES) is designed to provide us with insights into the needs of our human capital by determining the level of communication and engagement required to cultivate a robust corporate culture and dedicated teams. The EES’s evaluation is based on our employee engagement activities organised throughout the year and is research-backed by an independent third-party organisation. In 2022, our EES results recorded 81% of the top quartile as compared to the Malaysian norm. This year’s survey revealed that our employees consistently spoke positively of the organisation, had a strong desire to be a part of the Group and were willing to go above and beyond to ensure the success of the business. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SURVEY EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT WHY IT IS IMPORTANT Our employees are our most valuable assets, and an engaged workforce is crucial to achieving tangible business growth. We believe that building a positive connection with our employees is essential to boosting productivity and retaining top talent. As a result, we are committed to constantly engaging with our employees to identify and meet their needs, ensuring job satisfaction and shaping a high-performing workforce to drive business success.