FGV Annual Report 2015

252 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Financial Year Ended 31 December 2015 Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad Annual Integrated Report 2015 21 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Group Goodwill Brand Licenses Lease agreement Customer relationships Software Intellectual property rights Land use rights Intangible assets under development Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM ’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM'000 Net book value 2015 At 1 January 2015, as restated 1,229,194 104,293 800 2,223 10,402 46,656 97,926 - 55,822 1,547,316 Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 22) - - 13,803 - - - - - - 13,803 Additions 11,493 21,787 21,529 1,392 11,024 67,225 Amortisation charge - (3,226) (1,109) (232) (6,538) (16,120) (19,963) - - (47,188) Write offs - - - - - (27) - - - (27) Disposal of a subsidiary - - - - - (497) - - - (497) Impairment charge (12,770) - - - - - (27,473) - - (40,243) Reclassification - - - - - 20,687 - 42,301 (62,988) - Transfer to property, plant and equipment (Note 19) - - - - - (10,155) - - - (10,155) Exchange differences - 14 138 484 1,758 39 7,957 3,398 - 13,788 At 31 December 2015 1,216,424 101,081 25,125 2,475 5,622 62,370 79,976 47,091 3,858 1,544,022 Expected remaining useful lives (years) - 31 December 2015 15-24 2-18 11 2 1-5 8 35