FGV Annual Report 2012

2 Financial Highlights (as at 31 December 2012) Sorotan Kewangan (pada 31 Disember 2012) RM905.1 million juta Profit after Land Lease Agreement (LLA) liability, tax and zakat Keuntungan selepas liabiliti Perjanjian Tanah Pajakan, cukai dan zakat Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) Pendapatan sebelum faedah, cukai, susut nilai dan pelunasan (EBITDA) RM1.44 billion bilion Revenue Perolehan RM12.89 billion bilion Shareholders’funds Dana pemegang saham RM6.1 billion bilion Total dividends for the year Jumlah dividen bagi tahun 14.0 sen per share sen sesaham Earnings per share Pendapatan sesaham 28.5 sen sen Net assets per share Aset bersih sesaham RM1.67 Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad